Female Brains Change in Sync With Hormones

Originally shared by Neuroscience News

Female Brains Change in Sync With Hormones

In parallel to rising estrogen levels, the Hippocampus increases in volume.

The research is in Scientific Reports. (full open access)



  1. So do male brains. There are neuralogical changes with age that are strongly linked to declining testosterone.

  2. Wow that explains a lot! The debate as to why we have grumpy old men and overly doting women that make us want to throw mama from a train, is finally explained. How did comic writers from Hollywood figure that out? Humor aside, from a scientist wanna be, it is fascinating nonetheless.

  3. cyn smith observation. Great comedians are often outsiders, observing the Insane Monkeys like creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.

  4. I love the sense of humor we share on this topic!

    Sent from my iPhone


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