Store Long Term Emergency Survival Food in 10 Underused Spaces

Originally shared by Before It's News
Store Long Term Emergency Survival Food in 10 Underused Spaces
For most people, building out food storage can be a little overwhelming. It’s an expense, and it requires figuring out some answers to questions—what kind of food to store, when it needs to be rotated, how much to buy per person, and more.
One of the biggest hang-ups of them all though, is finding places to keep your food storage. But with a little creativity, there are most likely some additional places you can store food in your home. Although some of these might not be doable, here are 10 ideas to get you going:
1. The Laundry Room: Do you have a laundry room, or other “utility” area? Odds are, there is some space that can be capitalized on for food storage here. The nice thing about these locations is that because they are out of sight, you don’t have to be fancy about how you do it. Stack food along a wall, use a free cupboard, or slice the space any way need to, in order to fit the most. Many laundry rooms will actually have some version of an emergency floor drain, so it might make a good place to store water as well.
2. Food Storage Furniture: How about creating your very own “food storage entertainment center?” This can be done by stacking boxes into your desired shape for a TV stand, and then draping with fabric. Tuck the fabric in tightly for a sleek, modern look, and then set your TV, speakers, or anything else you want on your new entertainment center! If this doesn’t work for you, you can also pull out your couches, beds, etc. and store food in the space created behind them. Drape with a simple fabric covering, table top, or other guise of your choosing.
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