Didn't realize I was talking so long during the interview with Jessica;)

Originally shared by Claudius Gros

Didn't realize I was talking so long during the interview with Jessica;)


  1. Haven't read the article yet. But if it didn't have any life yet, then yes.
    If it has life, we should form hybrids and build upon their own evolution.... You know like how the greys have with us :)

  2. An AI would only be able to recognise life as we know it, because that's what we'd program it to... I program for a living... and know what fuck-ups people do when coding complex stuff...
    We'd risk seeding life-bearing planets with microbes that would destroy them...

    There was an episode of Star Trek Voyager about good intentions turning to disaster because not everything was considered:
    memory-alpha.wikia.com - Friendship One (episode)


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