Could holographic televisions be the next big thing? BBC creates amazing experimental device - Mirror Online

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Could holographic televisions be the next big thing? BBC creates amazing experimental device - Mirror Online

'... Cyrus Saihan, Head of Digital Partnerships for the BBC said: "We had seen that people had created small 'holographic' displays using mobile phones and so it occurred to us that making a super-sized version of these low-cost displays would give us a way to see how 'holograms' might work on a larger scale, something comparable to the size of a living room TV.

"To make our 'holographic' TV, we took a 46" TV that we had in the office and then asked a local plastics cutter to make a simple acrylic pyramid shape based on some sketches that we had done.

"By placing this acrylic pyramid on our flat screen TV, we were able to try out a modern-day version of an old Victorian theatre technique and create the illusion of floating ‘holographic’ like images."


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