AI100 study says artificial intelligence will change our lives but won’t kill us

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

AI100 study says artificial intelligence will change our lives but won’t kill us

A 100-year project conceived by Microsoft Research’s Eric Horvitz to trace the impacts of artificial intelligence has issued its first report: a 28,000-word analysis looking at how AI technologies will affect urban life in 2030. The bottom line? Put away those “Terminator” nightmares of a robot uprising, at least for the next 15 years – but get ready for technological disruptions that will make life a lot easier for many of us while forcing some of us out of our current jobs. That assessment comes from Stanford University’s One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence, or AI100, which is Horvitz’s brainchild. Horvitz, a Stanford alumnus, is a former president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and the managing director Microsoft Research’s Redmond lab.


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