Harvard's Octobot is the first autonomous machine to be made with all soft robotics.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

Harvard's Octobot is the first autonomous machine to be made with all soft robotics. "This Octobot from Harvard is the first that not only contains no hard parts but is also entirely autonomous."

It's really slow. But it works. You know what they say, before you get the bear to dance well, you have to get it to dance. Or octopus swim, in this case.

"The struggle has always been in replacing rigid components like batteries and electronic controls with analogous soft systems and then putting it all together."

"The robot is mostly 3D printed, and afterwards its body is inlaid with channels that both power and govern its movement. That movement is pneumatic, powered by gas derived from hydrogen peroxide, the robot's fuel. It pushes fluid through the limbs, inflating them."


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