A Map Of Where The Internet Doesn't Exist--And How To Get There | Co.Design | business + design

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

A Map Of Where The Internet Doesn't Exist--And How To Get There | Co.Design | business + design

'Dutch designer Richard Vijgen has long been fascinated by the unseen structure of the Internet. His last app, Architecture of Sound, let people discover the Wi-Fi signals, overhead satellites, GPS units, and other radio waves that surround them.

His new app, though, goes in the other direction. Called White Spots, it's like a compass for finding the end of the Internet. And it may be a lot closer than you think.'


White Spots

'The White Spots App

Do you ever desire to escape from the information flows surrounding us?
The White Spots App visualizes the invisible electromagnetic cloud that we live in and offers a way out.
Use the App with Google cardboard to travel from the online to the offline world in Virtual Reality, or use the White Spots world map to travel to places off the grid near you.

In VR mode, the network scanner shows the invisible digital signals around you in real time and takes you on a journey to the end of the Internet in immersive 360° stories.

In Map mode, the White Spots world map shows the global divide between the connected and unconnected worlds. Browse the map to explore video stories about life off the grid or use the route planner to venture into uncharted territory yourself. The route planner finds a route to a White Spot near you and invites you to add new stories to the map.'



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