5 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had - YouTube

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

5 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had - YouTube

'Published on Jul 6, 2016 
Hey, pal, have you ever realised how amazing you are? Yes, yes, don't look back, we're talking to you right here. But, you're not the only one. We all are amazing. We are saying that because, first of all, we want to cheer you up, and second, because you have a whole package of superpowers you have never imagined. ... '



  1. My wife has blue eyed but nobody is more capable of making friends then her her eyes are beautiful but it's not her eyes it's her personality and all race's come to her first but she thanks you and me too p.s.I've been doing some research on bioengineering IN BRIEF:
    Professor Kevin kit Parker has created a robotic stingray imbued with live heart cells that have been programmed to steer the stingray bot in different directions.
    The big thing about this is that it can lead to a massive range of applications including the creators ultimate goal: creating a living artificial heart more info later just wanted to share in short Robotic stingray: gold skeleton forstoring energy, and a silicon body covered in light-sensitive heart cells.the actual size of one is half the size of a eyeball 😊❤😁have a great Wednesday or Tuesday Evening 👌


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