Thanks to climate change, the Arctic is turning green - The Washington Post

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Thanks to climate change, the Arctic is turning green - The Washington Post

'Earlier this month, NASA scientists provided a visualization of a startling climate change trend — the Earth is getting greener, as viewed from space, especially in its rapidly warming northern regions. And this is presumably occurring as more carbon dioxide in the air, along with warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons, makes plants very, very happy.

Now, new research in Nature Climate Change not only reinforces the reality of this trend — which is already provoking debate about the overall climate consequences of a warming Arctic — but statistically attributes it to human causes, which largely means greenhouse gas emissions (albeit with a mix of other elements as well).'


  1. Forgive me for posting and not reading the article.

    I feel vindicated! I always said that increased co2 would lead to increased greenification, and that green is excellent at absorbing infrared, hence NATURE not man will be the corrective force to climate change.
    Of course it isn't good, but I'm just glad that my prediction of greenification is coming true :)

    Stop global warming.. Stop deforestation and plant more plants!


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