"Computer invents new scientific theory without human help for the first time." "One of biology's biggest mysteries...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"Computer invents new scientific theory without human help for the first time." "One of biology's biggest mysteries -- how a sliced up flatworm can regenerate into new organisms - has been solved independently by a computer." "Computer scientists from the University of Maryland programmed a computer to randomly predict how a worm's genes formed a regulatory network capable of regeneration, before evaluating these predictions through simulation."

"After three days of continuously predicting, simulating and evaluating, the computer was able to come up with a core genetic network that explained how the worm's regeneration took place."

Hat tip Christine Peterson who so elegantly added, "And so it begins."


  1. "However, despite the computer only taking three days to create the worm model, it took the scientists several years to put together the program." "Without human help"? I don't think so😀

  2. Then no one creates nothing alone, because they had teachers in the past.. :P

  3. Exactly, but not quite a 1 to 1 analogy. Teaching and learning are 2-way endeavors. Teachers don't "program" you, you have to be open to learn. "On the shoulders of giants"


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