Do you agree with this?

Originally shared by Bio E

Do you agree with this?

#health #healthtip #food #fitness #weightloss #run #yoga #exercise #gym #vegetarian #vegetables #organicfarming #herbalremedy #fruit #motivation #digestion #foodporn #eat #diet #vegan #herbs #gut #guthealth #probiotics #quote #biogenicsmd #gmo #pesticide #environment #farming #processed #junkfood #fastfood #sugar #smoking #environment #nature #eco


  1. Not really... It doesn't affect the health of other people.
    People should be free to do whatever they want to their own body, but not be allowed to poison others.

  2. I'm thinking GMO and agrochemicals. But to the extent that coke has corn syrup, I agree it's one of the problems

  3. weeell, there are some parallels, sugar can be mildly addictive and you can build tolerance to it, its socially acceptable, you give it to kids and it has a lot of side-effect besides providing energy. Your teeth rot, metabolism runs faster - making more mess for regeneration process, surplus energy gets stored in fat... but its comparing coke and weed. Coke eats holes in your brain, weed eats your time. Tabacco multiplies dangers of cancer and other dangers, extra sugar just messes-up your energy management.


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