Bentley used NASA technology to take this 53-billion-pixel picture of a car | The Verge
Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap
Bentley used NASA technology to take this 53-billion-pixel picture of a car | The Verge
' ... The carmaker says it fitted together 70 individual photographs to create the image, using the same technology developed by NASA to make panoramas from photographs beamed back by the Curiosity rover on Mars. The resulting image of the Mulsanne contains 53 billion pixels (that's 53,000 megapixels) and Bentley says that if printed out it would be the same size as a football field. ... '
Bentley used NASA technology to take this 53-billion-pixel picture of a car | The Verge
' ... The carmaker says it fitted together 70 individual photographs to create the image, using the same technology developed by NASA to make panoramas from photographs beamed back by the Curiosity rover on Mars. The resulting image of the Mulsanne contains 53 billion pixels (that's 53,000 megapixels) and Bentley says that if printed out it would be the same size as a football field. ... '
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