Scientists show telephone metadata can reveal surprisingly sensitive personal information

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Scientists show telephone metadata can reveal surprisingly sensitive personal information

'Most people might not give telephone metadata – the numbers you dial, the length of your calls – a second thought. Some government officials probably view it as similarly trivial, which is why this information can be obtained without a warrant.

But a new analysis by Stanford computer scientists shows that it is possible to identify a person's private information – such as health details – from metadata alone. Additionally, following metadata "hops" from one person's communications can involve thousands of other people.

The researchers set out to fill knowledge gaps within the National Security Agency's current phone metadata program, which has drawn conflicting assertions about its privacy impacts. The law currently treats call content and metadata separately and makes it easier for government agencies to obtain metadata, in part because it assumes that it shouldn't be possible to infer specific sensitive details about people based on metadata alone.'

Evaluating the privacy properties of telephone metadata

'... Abstract

Since 2013, a stream of disclosures has prompted reconsideration of surveillance law and policy. One of the most controversial principles, both in the United States and abroad, is that communications metadata receives substantially less protection than communications content. Several nations currently collect telephone metadata in bulk, including on their own citizens. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on the privacy properties of telephone metadata. Using a crowdsourcing methodology, we demonstrate that telephone metadata is densely interconnected, can trivially be reidentified, and can be used to draw sensitive inferences.


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