
Originally shared by EURICO SILVA CAPANEMA


  1. Hi Jessica Meyer I just Finnish a lesson. It was on the movement of the north pole and why it is headed East and why humans are to blame it's a very interesting (Science lesson) [JPL, NASA]are involved and the north pole is traveling at a alarming rate (Greenland)they say is the major factor of the melting ,\ice sheets/> but your very smart,: and probably all ready know that ,and then some .I'm going to check out what you sent me and get back to you asap good friend and thank you😀,: )🌹👍👌✌

  2. Wow I'll bet the slinky keeps on like a energizer bunny lol

  3. Robert Norton what do you mean I sent you? You mean I posted via Google+?

  4. Oh Ya your right, I'm sorry it popped up on my phone sorry ✌


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