This “Sweaty” Billboard Kills Mosquitoes | Smart News | Smithsonian

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

This “Sweaty” Billboard Kills Mosquitoes | Smart News | Smithsonian

' ... It’s called The Mosquito Killer Billboard, and its premise is both disgusting and deceptively simple. On the device’s website, which includes free blueprints for those who might want to make one of its own, its inventors explain the premise. The billboard emits a solution containing carbon dioxide and lactic acid that mimics human sweat and breath, attracting mosquitoes from a distance of up to nearly two and a half miles. Fluorescent lights make it even more attractive to mosquitoes and take advantage of the bugs’ need for a fixed point of light to navigate. When mosquitoes make it to the billboard, they’re lured inside, where they dehydrate and die. ... '


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