"In Santiago, Chile, a five-person startup is using machine learning to figure out how to create its own versions of...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"In Santiago, Chile, a five-person startup is using machine learning to figure out how to create its own versions of vegetarian substitutes for animal products."

"Giuseppe was created to understand molecular connections between food and the human perception of taste and texture."

"While the exact methodology is 'classified,' NotCo cofounder Matias Muchnick says that NotCo is drawing on 'data regarding how the brain works when it's given certain flavors, when you taste salty, umami, sweet.' That pre-existing data is being collected by the NotCo team, which includes a food scientist and a data scientist. NotMilk won't just have the same flavor as dairy milk, he says. Through data crunching, it'll taste even better."


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