Hover Flying Camera is Like Having Your Own Paparazzi | Digital Trends

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Hover Flying Camera is Like Having Your Own Paparazzi | Digital Trends

'The Hover looks nothing like a traditional quadcopter. Roughly the size of a thick book – it even looks like one – the Hover unfolds to reveal the wings – two panels, each containing two propellers in a metal caging. Made with carbon fiber, it’s incredibly lightweight, yet sturdy; in fact, it comes in just under 0.55 pounds (0.53 pounds or 8.5 ounces, to be exact), which exempts it from the Federal Aviation Administration’s registration requirement. When folded, the Hover can be easily stashed in a backpack or in the provided carrying case, and it’s less likely to draw attention like most quadcopters would.'



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