Fructose Disrupts Brain Gene Networks, Omega-3 Restores Them | GEN News Highlights | GEN

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Fructose Disrupts Brain Gene Networks, Omega-3 Restores Them | GEN News Highlights | GEN

'Fructose in the diet can mean epigenomic reprogramming of the brain, changing the expression of hundreds of genes, including genes that may lead to a greater predisposition toward metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and brain disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. A link between fructose and the epigenome, report scientists based at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has emerged from an exercise in an emerging discipline called nutrigenomics.'

Systems Nutrigenomics Reveals Brain Gene Networks Linking Metabolic and Brain Disorders - EBioMedicine

'... Highlights

 •Fructose promotes transcriptomic and epigenomic reprogramming to perturb brain networks linking metabolism and brain function.
 •The extracellular matrix genes Bgn and Fmod emerge as key regulators of gene networks responsive to fructose.
 •The omega-3 fatty acid DHA reverses fructose-induced genomic and network reprogramming.

Meng et al. report fructose as a powerful inducer of genomic and epigenomic variability with the capacity to reorganize gene networks critical for central metabolic regulation and neuronal processes in the brain; conversely, an omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, has the potential to normalize the genomic impact of fructose. Our findings help explain the pathogenic actions of fructose on prevalent metabolic and brain disorders and provide proof-of-concept for nutritional remedies supported by nutrigenomics evidence. Our integrative approach complementing rodent and human studies supports the applicability of nutrigenomics principles to predict disease susceptibility and to guide personalized medicine.


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