A new book promises algorithms to solve life's problems that run on your brain instead of a computer.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

A new book promises algorithms to solve life's problems that run on your brain instead of a computer. "Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (Henry Holt and Company, 2016) argues that a successful algorithm is one that focuses on what matters, minimizes regret and does not waste precious time."

For example, "One helpful and statistically proven strategy highlighted in the book is the '37% Rule,' just one example of an 'optimal stopping' problem. These algorithms are designed to limit the time spent deciding whom to date, where to live, what job to take and even where to park."


  1. Hi Jessica Meyer [Algorithms ]>I guess I just got lucky being married for 13 years no (commonsense) is what I use, but maybe some people that have only limited commonsense could use a algorithmic logic to help then?your mind and your heart are connected, so if there's a flaw in the IEEE Transactions or brain print stimuli maybe algorithms could help?the varying patterns this could be a way [technology/ algorithms] for potential {research}?Thank you for sharing [🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹]>👌👍✌

  2. people are always getting this things wrong please the heart cant make decions your brain can so the follow your heart moto is wrong

  3. I use common sense in both the brain and heart because one could be wrong and the right but who's to say what is right or wrong only you.

  4. Look it is impossible to make choices with the heart as their is no part
    that can do that within. The heart only functions by pumping blood as it
    has the venacava which stores the deoxygenated blood the, Aorta which
    stores oxygenated blood temporarily and the puluminary artery and the
    puluminary vein neither of which can make decisions.


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