IBM’s Watson AI powers robot at Hilton Hotels | BGR
Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap
IBM’s Watson AI powers robot at Hilton Hotels | BGR
'Remember Watson? It’s the artificially intelligent computer from IBM that can beat Jeopardy champions and is used in cancer-related research. Well, it turns out the computer is smart enough to also man the concierge station at a Hilton Hotels, where a tiny robot will give guests directions and make recommendations to improve their stays.'
IBM’s Watson AI powers robot at Hilton Hotels | BGR
'Remember Watson? It’s the artificially intelligent computer from IBM that can beat Jeopardy champions and is used in cancer-related research. Well, it turns out the computer is smart enough to also man the concierge station at a Hilton Hotels, where a tiny robot will give guests directions and make recommendations to improve their stays.'
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