This Company May Have Solved Mobile VR’s Positional Tracking Problem

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

This Company May Have Solved Mobile VR’s Positional Tracking Problem

Univrses, who we first covered a year ago to the day, has been developing a mobile VR positional tracking solution that uses only the regular camera on a phone. Since we covered them originally the company has been fairly quiet, outside of announcing they are developing a magic casting game for VR called Wands. But a year’s worth of heads down development on a single issue can yield results, and now they are finally ready to reveal their solution to the world at this year’s Mobile World Conference.


  1. This is very interesting and a brake through my theory is soon will be talking to people on the computer phone in [holagram projection]><:we already see who where talking too. Next is as if, were standing in front of them through projection. Thank you for sharing your work or the illustrations. Jessica Meyer 😀* 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


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