Thinking about cancelling my Google Drive storage.

Thinking about cancelling my Google Drive storage. No sense in having it only to backup the photos if you can't really share them properly. Plus still no client for Linux. Dropbox is showing itself much better option. It's so sad to see technology take steps back.

Google Google Drive Google Photos Google+


  1. Will have to check out this Dropbox, GDrive doesnt have a webpage interface

  2. Jessica Meyer I am also disappointed with Google Drive compared to Dropbox. I recently did a clean reinstall of my OS and when it came time to reinstall both Drive and DropBox, DropBox has better options. For example, both had options for syncing but Google Drive only gave the option to sync the folders at the root of the Drive folder, where as DropBox it was possible to drill down to as many sub folder as you have.

  3. I think many users are happy with that because when Google Photos was integrated with Google+ many they complained. Or am I missing the point?

  4. Sirus Laia they could use the Photos features of Google+ Photos without bothering about Google+ if they wanted. But now there's no integration of Google Photos with Google+. I think Google shot its own foot.

  5. Jessica Meyer its market segment fragmentation

  6. Jessica Meyer +Google has really, really bungled Google+ , Google Drive and Google Photos in a very very bad way in the last year.
    They seem intent on shooting themselves in the foot.
    But, I don't understand why they had to mangle already good products?

  7. You can share Google Photos just fine in different ways. Also in G+ where people can comment the photos.
    A while ago you couldn't share to people without Google account, now you can, with simple link.
    I really don't see what is so wrong with it. Google photos is very much used service by photographers and people who love photography. And I don't know if there is any better service for them.
    To even compare Google photos with Apple iCloud services is just showing how out of touch is the iVerge!

  8. You could always share Google+ photos through links, without the others need to have a Google+ account. They just needed a Google+ account to comment or +1 on the photos, which now it's impossible for everyone.

  9. I had to plus one but only for the lack of Linux desktop/fs integration.


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