Hot, skinny people are ditching salads for ‘power bowls’ | New York Post
Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap
Hot, skinny people are ditching salads for ‘power bowls’ | New York Post
'... Bowls make “healthy eating taste really good,” says Kunin, a health coach who lives in Chelsea. “You can combine so many different flavors and textures that it just creates this really satisfying meal. It’s almost like a hug, as corny as that sounds.”
“Even if I had the option to eat off a plate, I would eat out of a bowl,” adds Parker, who works in marketing at Elle magazine, lives in Greenwich Village and says she only ever eats out of bowls.
Hot, skinny people are ditching salads for ‘power bowls’ | New York Post
'... Bowls make “healthy eating taste really good,” says Kunin, a health coach who lives in Chelsea. “You can combine so many different flavors and textures that it just creates this really satisfying meal. It’s almost like a hug, as corny as that sounds.”
“Even if I had the option to eat off a plate, I would eat out of a bowl,” adds Parker, who works in marketing at Elle magazine, lives in Greenwich Village and says she only ever eats out of bowls.
Try finding one of those not on the coasts.