Researchers Project Digital People into Chairs in Augmented Reality Study | MIT Technology Review

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Researchers Project Digital People into Chairs in Augmented Reality Study | MIT Technology Review

'Nothing beats talking to another person face-to-face, but a group of researchers are considering whether a life-size projection of a person that appears to be sitting across from you in an actual chair might be a close second.

Room2Room, a project from Microsoft Research, does just this: it uses Kinect depth cameras and digital projectors to capture the image of a person in 3-D in one room and project a life-sized version of them in real time onto a piece of furniture in another room, where someone else is actually hanging out, and vice versa. Each person can then see a digital image of the other with the correct perspective, look at them from different viewpoints, and interact with them, the researchers say.'


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