Don't like them.

Don't like them.

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

The truth about candles | MNN - Mother Nature Network

'... Some scented candles could be as harmful — maybe even worse — than smoking a cigarette.

That's according to Andrew Sledd, M.D., a Missouri pediatrician who specializes in environmental toxicology. Sledd told KFVS-TV that it only takes an hour of burning a candle to produce the same harmful effects as smoking just one cigarette.

He said soot from candles can pose a threat to our respiratory systems. That soot can contain particles of zinc, tin and lead. Because candles don't have filters, which typically remove microparticles, he said those soot particles are released into the room and can penetrate your lungs.

According to the EPA, the amount of soot produced can vary greatly from candle to candle.


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