Actor Brazil's Globo shoots unidentified object

Originally shared by Nuno Reis

Actor Brazil's Globo shoots unidentified object

The actor Rodrigo Andrade posted a video that impresses many. In the pictures, it appears on a particular flight between Rio de Janeiro and Campinas, along with two other people, discussing on a supposed UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) accompanying their aircraft.

. "Hi gang, thought a lot whether to publish this video or not Anyway, I decided to publish ... We were flying three - me, the pilot and co-pilot - when an unidentified object appeared and followed our aircraft for about 25 minutes, "he said on the video that was recorded in 2013.

"There seems to be a star, it seems one thing we are not identifying. I spoke with Rio control and he told me that there is no traffic in this area. It's weird, but a beautiful phenomenon," says the pilot of the aircraft, identified as Thaddeus .

Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made.

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