25 possible adverse reactions to vaccines according to CDC and big pharma http://b4in.org/xV7

Originally shared by Before It's News

25 possible adverse reactions to vaccines according to CDC and big pharma http://b4in.org/xV7

As we witness the ever growing agenda for maintaining and increasing immunizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works to create what it calls “lasting, effective immunization delivery systems.” Yet, the CDC also admits – on the same area of its website – that there is a long list of adverse, sometimes deadly, reactions to vaccines.

CDC, big pharma and other vaccine proponents have pushed a mandatory vaccination agenda by such means as the linking of vaccination requirements to public school admission. But in this race to push pharmaceuticals, the risk of side effects is often downplayed and the alternative, natural means for preventing disease left unacknowledged. Many of these vaccinations are ineffective or quickly lose effectiveness, while putting health – and even lives – at risk.

Warning labels tell the real story: Vaccines deliver dangerous side effects

You need not look very far to learn about the potential for adverse reactions from vaccines. In fact, the same entities behind the push for mandatory vaccination programs also display a frighteningly long list of potentially adverse reactions, many of them serious. “Any vaccine can have side effects,” states the CDC website. What isn’t highlighted is that in many cases, those side effects are expected as often as one out of every two individuals.

With information gleaned directly from the CDC website and the labels of the pharmaceuticals themselves, here is a brief look at just 25 of the hundreds of potentially dangerous reactions documented for specific vaccines:

1. Permanent brain damage: Diphtheria, Tetanus and acellular Pertussis (DTaP); Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR); Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV); Varicella (Chickenpox)

2. Moderate or long-term seizures: DTaP, Influenza (inactivated), MMR, MMRV, Varicella (Chickenpox)

3. Severe nervous system reaction: Yellow Fever

4. Coma or lowered consciousness: DTaP, MMR, MMRV

5. Deafness: MMR, MMRV

6. Intussusception (bowel blockage requiring hospitalization): Rotavirus

More http://b4in.org/xV7


  1. If one test subject dies during the human trials of a new drug the pharmaceutical company is required by law to list "Death" as a possible "side effect" of the drug. Even if that person was hit by a bus.  

    This is not news, please don't propagate this misinformation.

  2. I think everyone should be aware of the facts. It may not be news for you, but a lot o people still haven' taken the time to do a proper research on the matter.


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