Drug from bananas may fight flu virus - Futurity

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Drug from bananas may fight flu virus - Futurity

'Bananas contain a substance that, when changed slightly by scientists, shows promise to fight a wide range of viruses, including the flu.

And the process used to create the virus-fighting form may help scientists develop even more drugs, by harnessing the “sugar code” that our cells use to communicate. That code gets hijacked by viruses and other invaders.'


Could a drug engineered from bananas fight many deadly viruses? New results show promise | University of Michigan Health System

'... The new research focuses on a protein called banana lectin, or BanLec, that “reads” the sugars on the outside of both viruses and cells. Five years ago, scientists showed it could keep the virus that causes AIDS from getting into cells – but it also caused side effects that limited its potential use.

Now, in a new paper published in the journal Cell, an international team of scientists reports how they created a new form of BanLec that still fights viruses in mice, but doesn’t have a property that causes irritation and unwanted inflammation.



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