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Originally shared by Larry Panozzo
The Singularity isnear here! I’ve realized my picture doesn’t display the article titles (which are often so fantastic) so I made a secondary picture. It’s really easy to make anyway. Enjoy :)
• ROBOTICS Let's Treat Robots Like Yo-Yo Ma's Cello -- as an Instrument for Human Intelligence
• ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Struggle To Define What Artificial Intelligence Actually Means
• GENETICS The Philosopher Who Says We Should Play God
• VIRTUAL REALITY Experience The Horror of Ebola in This New VR Film
• 3D PRINTING An Affordable, Self-Correcting, Multi-Material 3D Printing Platform_
• DIGITAL CONTENT Robots Might Soon Be Writing 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books
• CYBERWARFARE We’re at Cyberwar: A Global Guide to Nation-State Digital Attacks
• THREAT National Security Faces Challenges From Insider Threats, Scholar Says
• PRIVACY Facial Recognition Technology: A Creepy But Ultimately Powerful Boon to Society
Like my posts? Add me for This Week in Tech, This Week in Science, This Week in The Singularity, and lots more each week. Or just follow my Collection The Singularity
We’re at a pivotal moment in history. Billions of years of biological evolution has culminated to an intelligent species of hominids that in their sudden industrial-digital revolution create machines that can take them places they can’t even imagine. And to think that they don’t even pay attention to the transformation as neural networks make their first major appearances, as AI enters each of the main fields of science, and breakthroughs in computing threaten to leave even Moore’s Law in the dust. So do as I do and spread the word!
Wonder why I say the Singularity is here? No it hasn’t literally begun, but the process directly leading to it is already underway. When I saw this little chart here http://28oa9i1t08037ue3m1l0i861.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Edge1.png I realized it was fair to say we’ve arrived, and it’s about to begin.
Whether or not this is your first time hearing of the singularity, check out this post by Tim Urban http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html
And read about what it actually is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity

The Singularity is
• ROBOTICS Let's Treat Robots Like Yo-Yo Ma's Cello -- as an Instrument for Human Intelligence
• ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Struggle To Define What Artificial Intelligence Actually Means
• GENETICS The Philosopher Who Says We Should Play God
• VIRTUAL REALITY Experience The Horror of Ebola in This New VR Film
• 3D PRINTING An Affordable, Self-Correcting, Multi-Material 3D Printing Platform_
• DIGITAL CONTENT Robots Might Soon Be Writing 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books
• CYBERWARFARE We’re at Cyberwar: A Global Guide to Nation-State Digital Attacks
• THREAT National Security Faces Challenges From Insider Threats, Scholar Says
• PRIVACY Facial Recognition Technology: A Creepy But Ultimately Powerful Boon to Society
Like my posts? Add me for This Week in Tech, This Week in Science, This Week in The Singularity, and lots more each week. Or just follow my Collection The Singularity
We’re at a pivotal moment in history. Billions of years of biological evolution has culminated to an intelligent species of hominids that in their sudden industrial-digital revolution create machines that can take them places they can’t even imagine. And to think that they don’t even pay attention to the transformation as neural networks make their first major appearances, as AI enters each of the main fields of science, and breakthroughs in computing threaten to leave even Moore’s Law in the dust. So do as I do and spread the word!
Wonder why I say the Singularity is here? No it hasn’t literally begun, but the process directly leading to it is already underway. When I saw this little chart here http://28oa9i1t08037ue3m1l0i861.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Edge1.png I realized it was fair to say we’ve arrived, and it’s about to begin.
Whether or not this is your first time hearing of the singularity, check out this post by Tim Urban http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html
And read about what it actually is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity

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