Max Tegmark is the subject of the following article.

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Max Tegmark is the subject of the following article. Max is the person behind the FLI (Future of Life Institute) famous regarding the open letter (signed by many notable people) opposing, or fearing, Strong AI.

The article in question is by Scientific American, 15 Sept 2015, authored by David Pogue.

Scientific American wrote: "Tegmark is a compelling thinker."

I won't go into the errors of #artificialintelligence paranoia on this occasion. Instead I will highlight a quote from from Peter Woit, who thinks Tegmark is far from being a "compelling thinker."

In Jan 2014, on his blog, Peter Woit wrote: "Tegmark’s career is a rather unusual story, mixing reputable science with an increasingly strong taste for grandiose nonsense. In this book he indulges his inner crank..." (

Woit refers to Tegmark's book Our Mathematical Universe, which seems to be a religious Matrix-type simulation argument (see Nick Bostrom, another AI paranoiac, and signer of the open letter, regarding the simulation argument religion).

Ideas about our universe being artificial (mathematical or holographic etc) are essentially techno-Christianity, which is nonsense similar to all religions. The idea is we are living in a computer, or a computer simulation, created by God, instead of living in a natural universe devoid of a creator.

So when thinking about the FLI, or the views of Tegmark, and his supporters (Bostrom, Musk, Hawking), I think it's important to remember Woit's view of Tegmark.

Remember Tegmark's penchant for his "inner crank."

I repeat Woit's words: "Tegmark’s career is a rather unusual story, mixing reputable science with an increasingly strong taste for grandiose nonsense."

I think FLI confirms Tegmark's increasingly strong taste for grandiose nonsense. The supposed AI threat is merely the new #Y2Kbug (people thought Y2K was the end of the world, much hysteria), or the AI threat is merely a re-spawned doomsday cult of 2012, the end-of-the-world apocalypse, which never happened.

Peter Woit is a theoretical physicist in the Mathematics department at Columbia University.

#simulationargument #nickbostrom #FLI #peterwoit #cranks #nonsense

Humans often think the world is about to end, for example note latest end of the world fear regarding Sept 2015:


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