Lack of oxygen killing marine life in waters of Washington state’s Hood Canal – ‘It’s a dead zone anywhere east of...

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Lack of oxygen killing marine life in waters of Washington state’s Hood Canal – ‘It’s a dead zone anywhere east of Sister’s Point to Belfair’

A lack of oxygen in southern Hood Canal is killing fish, crab and other marine life, according to Seth Book, a biologist with the Skokomish Tribe who has been monitoring the marine waterway.

Through the month of August, Book and other Skokomish staff have observed dead English sole and thousands of dead and dying eel pouts on the beaches. They also have found masses of dead cockles and butter clams, and on Friday, Book said he saw hundreds of crab along the beaches that were trying to get to the surface to breath.

“It’s a dead zone anywhere east of Sister’s Point to Belfair, Mason County. There’s very low oxygen at depth,” Book said.

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