Hubble Survey Unlocks Clues to Star Birth in Neighboring Galaxy

Originally shared by Pierre Markuse
Hubble Survey Unlocks Clues to Star Birth in Neighboring Galaxy
In a survey of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope images of 2,753 young, blue star clusters in the neighboring Andromeda galaxy (M31), astronomers have found that M31 and our own galaxy have a similar percentage of newborn stars based on mass. By nailing down what percentage of stars have a particular mass within a cluster, or the Initial Mass Function (IMF), scientists can better interpret the light from distant galaxies and understand the formation history of stars in our universe.
Full story here:
More on star formation:
More on the Andromeda galaxy:
Image credit: M31, Andromeda Galaxy NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, L.C. Johnson (University of Washington), and the PHAT team
#science #m31 #andromedagalaxy #hubble #space #starformation #imf #milkywaygalaxy
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