Robots are using wikiHow to figure out how to cook us breakfast

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Robots are using wikiHow to figure out how to cook us breakfast

If there’s anything you’ve ever needed to know how to do, from building a birdhouse to tying a bowtie to dressing like a “pastel goth,” you’ve probably ended up on wikiHow. Now, robots are using the user-generated advice site to learn how to do all sorts of tasks for us—including making pancakes and pizza.

RoboHow, a group of robotics researchers from multiple European universities, are trying to teach robots how to cook, among other things, MIT Technology Review reported. The robots learn, like most budding cooks these days, through a combination of being shown how to make something by a knowledgable human, and then parsing information from how-to websites and videos, just to make sure.


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