Scientists use 'therapeutic cloning' to fix mitochondrial genes.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

Scientists use 'therapeutic cloning' to fix mitochondrial genes. "US researchers have used a controversial cloning technique to make new, healthy, perfectly matched stem cells from the skin of patients with mitochondrial diseases in a first step toward treatment for these incurable, life-threatening conditions."

The experiment was done using starting from cells from people with the mitochondrial diseases MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy), which causes deterioration of the brain, central nervious system and muscles, and an increased acidity of the blood called lactic acidosis, and Leigh syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes progressive loss of mental ability and motor movement that typically results in death from respiratory failure in a couple of years.

There are two ways to produce the corrected cells. One is a clonin technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), where you take an egg cell, take the genes out of the nucleus and replace them with genes from the patient cell, while leaving the mitochondria alone, or a method of reprogramming adult skin cells to act like stem cells, then segregating the cells based on whether the mitochondria have the healthy or diseased version of the genes.


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