Google Stops Requiring Google+ For Services Like YouTube And Moves Features Out

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Google Stops Requiring Google+ For Services Like YouTube And Moves Features Out

'It’s no secret that Google+ didn’t quite work out the way Google envisioned and now, after already moving Google Photos out of the service, it’s starting to decouple Google+ profiles from its regular Google accounts.

The idea behind Google+ profiles was to give users a single identity across all the company’s platforms. Users didn’t like this and as Google VP of Streams, Photos and Sharing Bradley Horowitz acknowledge today, the company is starting to wean itself off from Google+.

Official Google Blog: Everything in its right place

'... People have told us that accessing all of their Google stuff with one account makes life a whole lot easier. But we’ve also heard that it doesn’t make sense for your Google+ profile to be your identity in all the other Google products you use.

So in the coming months, a Google Account will be all you’ll need to share content, communicate with contacts, create a YouTube channel and more, all across Google. YouTube will be one of the first products to make this change, and you can learn more on their blog. As always, your underlying Google Account won’t be searchable or followable, unlike public Google+ profiles. And for people who already created Google+ profiles but don’t plan to use Google+ itself, we’ll offer better options for managing and removing those public profiles.


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