There is steady progress trend regarding regenerative medicine, which we see here via news from Birstol University...

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There is steady progress trend regarding regenerative medicine, which we see here via news from Birstol University UK (17 June 2015).

Bristol University wrote, regarding stem-cell engineering of large organs: "They synthesised a new class of artificial membrane binding proteins that can be attached to stems cells.  By attaching an oxygen-carrying protein, myoglobin, to the stem cells before they are used to engineer cartilage, they ensure that each cell has its own oxygen reservoir that it can access when the oxygen in the scaffold drops to dangerously low levels."

Bristol University referred to a Nature paper, which stated: "This will have significant impact not only on regenerative medicine, but on a host of cell-based therapies, with potential applications including tracking the migration and integration of transplanted cells using fluorescent proteins, promoting juxtracrine signalling cascades with interactive ligands and targeting tissues or tumours using antibodies."

#regenerativemedicine #StemCells


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