One of the people behind #DeepMind (an #artificialintelligence company Google bought), said AI fears are...

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One of the people behind #DeepMind (an #artificialintelligence company Google bought), said AI fears are completely overblown.

The Guardian (9 June 2015) wrote: "Speaking to a conference on machine intelligence in London on Friday, Suleyman said that he was dismayed by the negative attitudes being shown towards AI."

The Guardian quoted #MustafaSuleyman : "AGI is a tool to massively amplify our ability to control the world."

For those of you unaware... AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is Strong AI, human level.

Interestingly, in the article, it is mentioned how the Google AI ethics committee remains secretive, which I have previously criticised. The article states transparency could arrive soon.

I am going to go out on a limb here by guessing the #secrecy could be because the logically flawed #NickBostrom is on the committee (or perhaps Lord Martin Rees, another AI paranoiac).

Despite dismissing AI fears; the Deep Mind team do have a partially paranoid outlook, hence the "ethics" committee, but they don't actually want to be associated publicly with the paranoia, hence the secrecy regarding the very likely inclusion of Nick Bostrom, his irrationality, shaping "ethics" at Google.

The Guardian wrote: "Suleyman said he wants to make public the names of the people who sit on the company’s ethics board, which was set up at the insistence of himself and Hassabis when Google bought it."

Hopefully Charles Arthur (the author of the article in question), will note my intelligent guess regarding one or two committee members (Bostrom and Rees), along with my reasoning, for the record.

Adding to the secrecy it should be noted another DeepMind founder, Demis Hassabis, has been invited to speak at the secretive-elite #Bilderberg conference, according to Business Insider (10 June 2015): "Google DeepMind founder Demis Hassabis is officially part of the global elite after earning himself an invitation to a super-secret annual gathering of CEOs and politicians — the Bilderberg Conference."

RT wrote (10 June 2015), regarding Bilderberg: "Less political topics are cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, of which Google’s Deep Mind AI project head Demis Hassabis will probably have something to say. The US search giant also has Chairman Eric Schmidt and Vice President for Engineering Regina Dugan attending."


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