Here #NickBostrom is quoted in a report from Jan 2015, which I mention for completeness.

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Here #NickBostrom is quoted in a report from Jan 2015, which I mention for completeness. The problematic issue is his logical fallacy of #artificialintelligence doom.

Typically Bostrom mentions sparrows, owls, and apes to supposedly prove how AI could kill us all. On this occasion he mentions the extinction of human ancestors.

The fallacy is simple to explain but sadly people often fail to appreciate the logic when confronted with the explanation.

Owls eating sparrows; humans dominating apes; or humans causing the extinction of our ancestors are all false comparisons regarding humans and AI. It is similar to mistaking chalk for cheese because chalk can look visually similar to some cheeses.

The problem is sparrows did not intelligently engineer higher owl intelligence. Apes did not intelligently design our genome via advanced genetic engineering. Our ancestors did not understand our minds in the slightest because they did not create our minds.

IF apes had employed studious deliberation, via highly advanced technological civilization, to intelligently engineer the human race, I am utterly certain our relationship with apes would be wholly different.

Humans creating AI is utterly unlike previous examples of evolution. Never before has life on Earth intelligently engineered higher intelligence, which means the comparisons to past circumstances are utterly unrelated in the manner of chalk and cheese. You need to ignore key facts to make chalk on toast seem tasty.

If humans were intelligently engineered by a lower species we would certainly have the utmost respect for such compelling engineering of our intelligence.

Furthermore our culture, the civilization we would live in, if humans had been intelligently created, if humans were AIs, would be very different thus the domination of lower lifeforms would also not occur simply due to advanced technology.

The ability to create human-level AI, or superhuman intelligence, inevitably entails the effortless colonization of Space, the ability to 3D-print perfect meat without any suffering to animals, it entails access to limitless resources in Space thereby making all resource-based conflict utterly redundant.

Nick Bostrom is nothing more than a magician. He creates a fear-based illusion via concealing the facts. He presents chalk then tells you it is tasty cheese. If you bite into his supposed logic you will discover a very unpleasant chalky taste. The con will be revealed if you studiously apply your reason to his supposed logic. You have been sold chalk instead of cheese.

Whenever God is linked to intelligence this should set alarms bells ringing regarding irrationality. God, godlike, or gods have no relevance whatsoever to intelligence. God is wholly a delusion, thus the concept of God is moronic, it is deeply idiotic, certainly not intelligent.

When people link God to intelligence they are giving you a clear insight into their flawed reasoning, their irrationality.

Channel 4 News wrote (20 Jan 2015): "A fictional story goes that scientists turn on an artificially intelligent machine and the first question they ask is: "Is there a god". The machine responds "There is now"."

Channel 4 News quoted Bostrom regarding human dominance of other lifeforms: "It is because our ancestors were slightly more intelligent than other apes. If we give a machine greater intelligence, then it will potentially be in a very powerful position to shape our future according to its preferences."

Incidentally if I was a super-smart AI in 2045 I would definitely wear an ironic T-shirt emblazoned with this very humorous headline: "Will super-intelligent machines kill us all?" Perhaps with a funny comedic cartoon too, to illustrate the insanity.

Remember you heard it here first. Many years from now I will be saying "I told you so."


  1. We're doing a good enough job killing ourselves off, why automate it?


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