Here is an interesting insight into how #artificialintelligence at Google is learning, or has learned, to see.

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Here is an interesting insight into how #artificialintelligence at Google is learning, or has learned, to see.

It seems an imagination in AI is starting to develop, or it shows how imagination could be developed.

The Daily Telegraph (18 June 2015) wrote: "In an experiment, engineers at Google's research labs ran various pictures through its neural network, asking the software to identify patterns in the images and then alter that image to exaggerate the patterns."

The Telegraph added: "In other words, it sees a pattern it thinks it recognises, such as a face or a door, and makes the picture look a little bit more like that thing. The neural network then repeats the process with the altered image."

#deepmind #neuralnetworks #images #perception #seeing #sight #vision #imagination #computers

PS. I don't know why The Telegraph thinks this is "creepy." The Surrealists (Dali etc) were praised for such wonderful imagination.


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