Finally, Someone's Designing a Fix for the Nightmarish Open Plan Office

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Finally, Someone's Designing a Fix for the Nightmarish Open Plan Office

'... The Open Plan has been screwing up work culture for almost 70 years. In the 1950s, the idea emerged that putting your employees in a single open space increased productivity and collaboration. But over the past decade, a series of studies have suggested that the open plan does the opposite by alienating and distracting employees.

The tide is turning against the open plan, and Steelcase is capitalizing on it. Last year it collaborated with Susan Cain, the introvert advocate and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, who says that as much as 30 percent of the workforce is introverted—and that by failing to design for them, companies are losing money. Working with Cain, the company released a series of pod-style offices and furniture that’s oriented towards what they call The Quiet Ones.

The Quiet Ones – Steelcase

'Introverts make up 30–50 percent of the workforce. What can you do to help them thrive?'


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