Ducha OrbSys. La ducha que te permite ahorrar un 90% en agua y un 80% en energía

Originally shared by Ecoinventos

Ducha OrbSys. La ducha que te permite ahorrar un 90% en agua y un 80% en energía



  1. why would it discard the water after shower if it can clean it?

  2. Good idea... wash your face with the water from your feet and rear... what could go wrong with that!? ;-)

  3. I was just thinking about this... But it should be the shower of today, not the future. :)

  4. That is treated water and then released into the ecosystem... then treated again... this would be direct from the bottom of your shower back to your face... as illustrated anyhow...

  5. as long as the purification system didn't break down, your probably ok.

  6. James Carter
    tell me, what could go wrong with that? Are you working on the field or in the forest that you're all dirty or are you just a office rat who needs to get rid off of a little sweat?

  7. eh... as Jason McPeak said as long as the purification is working fine then the foot fungus and the fecal matter wouldn't be an issue... I have a tendency to look at the potential problems in things... it's how I am wired. ;-)

  8. well, if you have foot fungus and fecal matter all over your body, then yes, it could be a problem. And no, it would not be a problem, because you're already covered with it.


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