Robot Master Chef Cooks 2,000 Recipes, Cleans Up, Does the Dishes

Originally shared by Industry Tap

Robot Master Chef Cooks 2,000 Recipes, Cleans Up, Does the Dishes

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  1. No more fast food for me when it become available , healthy food all the way .

  2. I want to see the dish washing feature... :)

  3. I don't know about the whole idea of "make breakfast for you and have it ready when you wake up" part. The system requires that you set the ingredients out ahead of time on a special table. Which means you would have to set the food out the night before if you want robochef to make breakfast and have it ready for when you woke up.

  4. "Set ingredients out" pfffft wth? This thing is going to cost serious coin, if it's incapable of grabbing the ingredients, then for get about it! I can create my own mo-cap, ik, disembodied arms robot to cook, clean and get ingredients. Boo!


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