#robotics #swarmintelligence #swarmrobotics

#robotics #swarmintelligence #swarmrobotics

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

#Festo has 3D-printed BionicANTS to compliment their eMotionButterflies. The two robots will be on display at in Germany, at the Hannover Fair 13-17 April 2015.

You may remember Festo regarding robotic dragonfly (bionicopter) drones: http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/29/bionicopter-dragonfly-drone/

3Dprint.com (27 Mar 2015): "Just imagine 3D printed colonies of ants, commanded to work together just as their live counterparts do naturally. Not only are they highly functional, they are stunningly beautiful with intricate details and vibrant color — almost jewel-like in their aesthetics, thanks to the use of 3D MID technology on laser-sintered shaped body parts. They are also powered by electronics, and part of their beauty is actually lent due to the strategic design of the golden-hued electrical components, which cause the 3D printed ants to function in myriad ways."

#robots #robotics #3Dprinting  

Note the following S45 post from March 2013 regarding various mini dones, which you may also be interested in: https://plus.google.com/+Singularity-2045/posts/WnQxdxA4SnF

Here is the source regarding the ants: http://www.festo.com/cms/en_corp/14252.htm (https://archive.today/kmSxH).


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