

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

#Immortality #lifeextension

People who think living forever would be boring ARE boring. Immortality is not the problem, the problem is some people have boring thoughts, their perspective is boring. If you ever become bored with life the problem is your boring mind, thus you'd likely discover the nature of your boring mind after only 20 years of life.

We have all met boring people for time to time, they have no passion, no zest for life, thus these people would probably be happy to die after 100 years because life is so boring from their boring viewpoint.

I seriously don't know who to become bored. I do become weary, very depressed, regarding the BS in the world but I am never really bored. I could stare into empty space for hours without becoming bored because my mind is far from boring. My mind paints a fabulous picture into the most dull aspects of our world, thus I am not really bored by boring people, I actually find boring people incredibly interesting because I am perplexed, utterly intrigued, regarding how a supposedly self-aware and intelligent brain can exhibit such a mindless deficiency of vibrancy, their brain-dead stoical nothingness is in utter contradiction to the reality of the functioning human genome, which  is perplexing.

When I sleep my dreams are utterly fabulous adventures even when I experience nightmares (nightmares are sadly common in this horrific world of deficient intelligence), but despite the horrors I am never bored, furthermore I would be at least 1000 times more intrigued with life if the horror regarding deficient technological intelligence was utter eradicated.

io9 wrote: "Some futurists predict that we'll be able to halt the aging process by the end of this century — if not sooner. The prospect of creating an ageless society is certainly not without its critics, with concerns ranging from the environmental right through to the spiritual. One of the most common objections to radical life extension, however, is the idea that it would be profoundly boring to live forever, and that by consequence, we should not even attempt it."

In other #immortality news The Daily Beast wrote: "We all want to live forever, but some of us have the means to actually do something about it. Adam Gollner, author of The Book of Immortality, profiles five billionaires pouring money into longevity research." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/20/the-immortality-financiers-the-billionaires-who-want-to-live-forever.html


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