#health #technology

#health #technology

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

#BioTech startup wants to #3Dprint eyes. They say such #3Dprinting #bioprinting will be possible sometime around 2027. In addition to standard eye replacements, super-human bio-eyes are forecast.

Daily Mail (21 April 2015): "Italian bio-designers MHOX has unveiled project is has been working on to 3D print organic tissues to produce working body parts that can replace the eyes of people suffering from disease." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3048797/Would-3D-print-new-EYES-instead-getting-glasses-Synthetic-organs-used-enhance-vision-turn-eyes-cameras.html

PopSci (20 April 2015): "The concept is called Enhance Your Eye (EYE, of course) and are made from a 3D bioprinter, which uses a special needle to drop different types of cells into the appropriate alignment and structure. Bioprinters can already make organs such as ears, blood vessels, and kidneys, but eyes remain elusive because of their complexity." http://www.popsci.com/biotech-startup-wants-replace-your-eyeballs-synthetic-ones

See also: http://rt.com/news/251761-3d-printed-eyeballs-camera/?amp;amp


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