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Originally shared by Before It's News

Media Pushing the Idea That Fukushima Radiation Is Just Fine So Why Not Go Swim in It for Six Hours a Day http://b4in.org/sIag

The mainstream media and their experts are finally openly admitting that radiation from the crippled nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the initial meltdown of which was equivalent to 168 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima during World War II, has reached North American shoes, but don’t worry.

Everything, according to the system, is just fine and dandy.

Via the Statesman Journal, April 6, 2015:

It’s the first time radioactivity from the March 2011 triple meltdown has been identified on West Coast shores.

Woods Hole chemical oceanographer Ken Buesseler emphasized that the radiation is at very low levels that aren’t expected to harm human health or the environment.

“Even if the levels were twice as high, you could still swim in the ocean for six hours every day for a year and receive a dose more than a thousand times less than a single dental X-ray,” Buesseler said. “While that’s not zero, that’s a very low risk.”

Yeah. That’s a “very low risk.” The risk is so incredibly low in fact, that the EPA collectively shrugged and went, “Eh, no big deal, who cares” as they shut off radiation monitors back in 2011 not long after the 9.0 earthquake hit Fukushima.

Also hurry up and forget the fact that the government found it within their infinite wisdom to raise the limits for radiation exposure post-Fukushima as well. Can’t be bad for you if it’s “within [continuously raised] safety limits.”

More http://b4in.org/sIag


  1. More damage caused by stress to date than future effects of the leak.


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