#googleglass #technology

#googleglass #technology

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Three lies about Google Glass.

(Read my column: http://goo.gl/gDPFTd )

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt shocked everyone last week by telling The Wall Street Journal that Google isn't killing Google Glass.

Schmidt's comments were viewed as a surprise and a revelation, even though he was repeating what Google had said previously about its smart glasses project.

People thought Google was sunsetting the Google Glass project because they believed the press.

I love my peers in the tech press -- individually. But as a herd, we can get it wrong.

In general, the great masses of tech journalists and bloggers are a band of trendy and easily influenced conformists who sometimes care more about staying in tune with the echo chamber than about objective reality.

The perfect example for this is how the tech press mob convinced everyone about three Google Glass lies: That Google Glass was an unacceptable invasion of privacy; that it was an overpriced elitist plaything; and that it was a failed and now dead project.

Here's why they were wrong on all counts: 




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