#robotics #religion

#robotics #religion

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

The debate about #artificialintelligence exterminating the human race is essentially a religious viewpoint, it is a "Cosmic Teapot" (Russell's Teapot), it is tantamount to saying: "But what if God does exist, surely we should all pray to God to avoid hell because if #God is real we certainly don't want to end up in hell?"

Unsurprisingly there is now a debate about AI being saved by God. People are wondering if AI is God's creation. Considering there is no mention of AI or robots in the Bible I think AI will be atheist. Rejection of God is intelligent, which Richard Dawkins explained via the God Delusion.

If AI has double the intelligence of humans I am sure AI will reject all forms of religion-spirituality. The more intelligent any being becomes the more they will reject the idiocy of religion.

Daily Mail wrote (5 Feb 2015): "Reverend Dr Christopher Benek, an associate Pastor of Providence at the Presbyterian Church in Florida, believes religions may help AI live alongside mankind." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2940444/Will-religions-try-convert-artificial-intelligence-Reverend-says-Christ-s-redemption-not-limited-humans.html

Gizmodo wrote (4 Feb 2015): " Some faith-bound Americans want to make sure any superintelligence we create knows about God. And if you think the idea of preaching God to autonomous machines sounds crazy, you may be overlooking key statistics of U.S. demographics: roughly 75 percent of adult Americans identify themselves as some denomination of Christianity. In the U.S. Congress, 92 percent of our highest politicians belong to a Christian faith." http://gizmodo.com/when-superintelligent-ai-arrives-will-religions-try-t-1682837922

Daily Mirror wrote (5 Feb 2015): "If a robot or an artificial intelligence reaches a certain level of sophistication, could it be converted to religion?" http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/technology/priest-wants-convert-robots-religion-5113293

See also: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/02/a-nation-filled-with-robot-pastors-evangelists-plan-to-convert-atheist-computers-to-christianity/

#religion #robots


  1. This has all happened before and will all happen again; so say we all.

  2. Lots of scientists and people who believe, from various religions, don't mind in the least. A handful of narrow-minded US priests is not representative of regligions.


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