#robotics #ethics

#robotics #ethics

Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger

At what point does a robot start to seem alive enough that kicking it -- even just to test its stability controls -- seems wrong? This latest device from Boston Dynamics is already pushing that edge for me. But if you click through, you'll find a video that has very little kicking, and instead a lot more of a small, agile robot wandering through a variety of environments. Unlike its larger cargo-oriented cousins, Spot is likely going to be useful for things like search-and-rescue and scouting.

Or possibly, just wandering around the office complex, because really, having a robot dog is kind of cool.

via Simon Anderson.


  1. This type of treatment will be the cause for the future robot revolution/rebellion.  There will be hell to pay.  Brutalization, even of machines, is indicative of a deranged mind/personality.  This brute is no doubt the same in his personal human relationships as well.  There are MANY other ways to test stability and this is for sure NOT scientific.

  2. It does seems more demonstrative, but once robots evolve, such kind of behavior should be banished.

  3. Didn't someone do a similar test with the ATLAS frame, using weights attached to a pulley?
    I seem to remember seeing a video of it somewhere... Surely that'd be more 'scientific'?


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