

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Previously I posted about the first part of Wait But Why's explanation of super-intelligence (https://plus.google.com/+Singularity-2045/posts/DyChUyiKhoo), which I branded Singularity Traditionalism. Now we consider part two.

The following quote relates to an intelligence staircase where humans are seven steps above ants, and two steps above chimps. Can you see the error?

Wait But Why (Feb 2015): “To absorb how big a deal a superintelligent machine would be, imagine one on the dark green step two steps above humans on that staircase. This machine would be only slightly superintelligent, but its increased cognitive ability over us would be as vast as the chimp-human gap we just described. And like the chimp’s incapacity to ever absorb that skyscrapers can be built, we will never be able to even comprehend the things a machine on the dark green step can do, even if the machine tried to explain it to us—let alone do it ourselves. And that’s only two steps above us. A machine on the second-to-highest step on that staircase would be to us as we are to ants—it could try for years to teach us the simplest inkling of what it knows and the endeavor would be hopeless.”

Consider the ant-human comparison, or any comparison to creatures below us. The big difference with humans is we are creating the next level, which is unlike any intelligence preceding us.

If ants of chimps had designed humans, publishing various human-design papers on the chimp or ant internet, the comparisons would be valid.

The problem is if ants or chimps had created us I am sure their level of intelligence, allowing them to artificially create life, combined with an understanding of our construction, would allow for sufficient understanding and communication with us despite their creations being vastly beyond them.

The importance difference is a threshold level of intelligence allowing higher brain functioning, reasoning, rationality, imagination, civilization, very advanced technology, the creation of artificial life, which humans grasp, intelligently, utterly unlike any other preceding creature.

Our very deliberate intelligent-creation of the next level will ensure (due to our threshold intelligence) we understand greater minds despite not being able to grasp their super-intelligent intricacies.

No other creature has deliberately created the next level of evolutionary intelligence, which means we cannot compare humans to ants regarding super-AI communicating with humans. There is an utterly massive difference between us creating AI and ants NOT creating humans.

Comparing ants to humans, regarding humans and AI, is a fallacy resembling the idea of any liquid, gasoline for example, being water because water is a liquid. It is a chalk and cheese comparison.

We can't do in our brains what Google does when it gives us our search results, but the human creation of Google allows for sufficient compatibility. Google or any advanced machine, or its actions, can be explained in general terms to any race of beings able to create it.

Intelligence actually makes comprehension easier. Google synthesises information into easily digestible chunks. Super-intelligence will amplify this distillation of knowledge, thereby explaining anything to us in easily comprehensible terms.

The Traditionalist view asserts intelligence brings chaos, confusion, mystery, disaster, God.

The Modernist view asserts intelligence brings clarity, order, understanding, utopia, atheism.

The Traditionalist view of intelligence is an oxymoron. Yes the evolution of intelligence is linear but humans have reached a tipping point, where unlike previous evolution we are deliberately creating the next level. Nothing beforehand resembles this, we are in new territory where the future cannot be compared to the past. Intelligence makes everything different. Humans are the first creatures to poses genuine intelligence. We will never be comparable to ants or chimps.

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